“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” - Carl Sagan

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We are a way for the universe to know itself, and massage is a way for us to know ourselves.

Many traditions believe we are a microcosm of the universe, and our body is a way for the universe to experience itself. We do this not just by walking, running, and exploring, but by being still and investigating our own inner cosmos.

Studying the human body has always been my passion. I spent years researching in labs preparing to become a doctor, only to decide late in college medicine was either too specialized or too cursory in its treatment of the individual. This completely derailed my path and forced me to dive deep into my own inner cosmos. This is when meditation, yoga, and study became an integral part of my life. As my understanding of the human body continued to evolve, my attention was drawn back to the art of healing. Not as a doctor this time, but as a massage therapist. Starbody was created with the intention of combining an energetic approach to massage with the targeted, clinical approach found in a doctors office. Starbody’s mission is to treat the individual wholly, and uniquely as a universe onto themselves. I look forward to exploring what that looks like for you.

The Space

And The Face